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Evi Dwi Krisna


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas model pembelajaran Blended Learning pada mata pelajaran matematika selama pandemi Covid 19. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan populasi seluruh kelas XII SMK TI Bali Global Denpasar yang mendapat mata pelajaran matematika menggunakan model pembelajaran Blended Learning. Sampel penelitian adalah 34 siswa kelas XII yang dipilih dengan teknik simple random sampling. Pelaksanaan Blended Learning dilakukan dengan melaksanakan pembelajaran tatap muka dan online secara bergantian, masing-masing selama seminggu. Pembelajaran online dilakukan dengan berbantuan Google Classroom dan Microsoft Team. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuisioner dengan aplikasi Google Form, dan dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Penilaian efektivitaditinjau dari aspek kepuasan dan pemahaman materi pelajaran yang diberikan. Dari aspek kepuasan, penerapan model pembelajaran Blended Learning memberi dampak positif, dimana sebesar 47,05% menjawab puas, 35,29% menjawab sangat puas, dan 11,76% menjawab cukup puas. Sedangkan hanya 5,89% yang menjawab kurang puas dan tidak ada yang menjawab sangat tidak puas. Dari aspek pemahaman materi, sebagian besar siswa merasa mudah memahami materi yang diberikan dengan model pembelajaran Blended Learning. Sebesar 44,12% menjawab mudah memahami materi yang diberikan, 26,47% menjawab sangat mudah, dan 17,65% yang menjawab cukup mudah memahami materi. Sedangkan, hanya terdapat 8,82% yang menjawab sulit memahami materi, dan 2,94% yang menjawab sangat sulit menerima materi yang diberikan. Siswa juga lebih menyukai model pembelajaran Blended Learning dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran online. Sebesar 86,8% menyatakan lebih menyukai model pembelajaran Blended Learning, dan hanya 13,2% yang lebih menyukai pembelajaran online yang dilaksanakan sejak awal pandemi.
Kata kunci: blended leaning, pandemi covid-19, efektivitas, google classroom, microsoft team
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Blended Learning model in mathematics subjects during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study was a qualitative descriptive study with a population of all class XII SMK TI Bali Global Denpasar who received mathematics subjects using the Blended Learning model. The research sample was 34 students of class XII who were selected by simple random sampling technique. The implementation of Blended Learning is carried out by carrying out face-to-face and online learning alternately, each for a week. Online learning is carried out with the help of Google Classroom and Microsoft Team. Collecting data using a questionnaire with the Google Form application, and data analysis using descriptive statistics. Assessment of effectiveness using indicators of satisfaction and understanding of the subject matter provided. From the aspect of satisfaction, the application of the Blended Learning model has a positive impact, where 47.05% answered satisfied, 35.29% answered very satisfied, and 11.76% answered quite satisfied. Meanwhile, only 5.89% answered that they were not satisfied and no one answered that they were very dissatisfied. From the aspect of understanding the material, most students find it easy to understand the material provided with the Blended Learning model. 44.12% answered that it was easy to understand the material provided, 26.47% answered very easily, and 17.65% answered that it was quite easy to understand the material. Meanwhile, there were only 8.82% who answered that it was difficult to understand the material, and 2.94% who answered that it was very difficult to accept the material given. Students also prefer the Blended Learning model than online learning. 86.8% stated that they prefer the Blended Learning model, and only 13.2% prefer online learning that has been implemented since the beginning of the pandemic.
Keyword: blended leaning, pandemic covid-19, effectiveness, google classroom, microsoft team

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How to Cite
Krisna, E. D. (2022). EFEKTIVITAS MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BLENDED LEARNING PADA MATA PELAJARAN MATEMATIKA DI MASA PANDEMI COVID 19. MEDIA EDUKASI : JURNAL ILMU PENDIDIKAN, 6(1). Retrieved from https://jurnal.undhirabali.ac.id/index.php/jmk/article/view/1894