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I Putu Suryadharma
Linawati .
Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti


Gamification plays a large role in increasing learning motivation and other activities. This study aims to determine the role of gamification in increasing intrinsic motivation. A total of 60 research subjects were divided into two parts, namely 30 subjects intervened with gamification and 30 other subjects without gamification in online learning. This treatment was given in 12 learning meetings. In addition, as many as 125 respondents, some of whom were treated subjects, were involved in filling out the questionnaire about the relationship between gamification and intrinsic motivation. Of the 125 respondents, it was found that 60% believed that gamification could increase intrinsic motivation, 37% expressed doubt and 3% said no. Based on the test results of respondents who were tested with one way ANOVA, it was found that there was no significant difference (p> 0.05) between the groups that were given gamification and without gamification. Respondents also 47.2% stated that they were not sure that gamification could increase test scores, although 46.4% said they were sure. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the gamification intervention can increase the intrinsic motivation of the learning participants, but it does not automatically increase the test scores.
Key Words : Gamification, intrinsic motivation, test scores
Gamifikasi banyak berperan dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan aktivitas lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran gamifikasi dalam meningkatkan motivasi intrinsic. Sebanyak 60 subjek penelitian yang dibagi atas dua bagian yaitu 30 subjek diintervensi dengan gamifikasi dan 30 lainnya tanpa gamifikasi dalam pembelajaran online. Perlakuan tersebut diberikan dalam 12 kali pertemuan pembelajaran. Selain itu sebanyak 125 responden, dimana sebagian merupakan subjek yang diberi perlakuan, dilibatkan dalam pengisian kuisener tentang hubungn gamifikasi dengan motivasi intrinsik. Dari 125 responden diperoleh 60% yakin bahwa gamifikasi dapat meningkatkan motivasi intrinsik, 37% menyatakan ragu dan 3% menyatakan tidak. Berdasarkan hasil ujian responden yang diuji dengan one way anova , diperoleh hasil tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan (p>0,05) antara kelompok yang diberikan gamifikasi dan tanpa gamifikasi. Responden juga 47,2% menyatakan tidak yakin gamifikasi dapat meningkatkan nilai ujian, walaupun 46,4% menyatakan yakin. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa intervensi gamifikasi dapat meningkatkan motivasi intrinsik peserta pembelajaran, tetapi tidak otomatis dapat meningkatkan nilai hasil ujian.
Kata kunci : Gamifikasi, motivasi intrinsik, nilai ujian

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How to Cite
Suryadharma, I. P., ., L., & Wirastuti, N. M. A. E. D. (2021). GAMIFIKASI DALAM PEMBELAJARAN ONLINE DAPAT MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI INTRINSIK. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Dan Komputer, 7(4). Retrieved from