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Michelle Jacqueline Doloksaribu
Ni Made Diana Erfiani


This research aims to analyze the usage of faithful translation procedures employed
in converting a tourism information board from English to Bahasa Indonesia. The
data source was an information board on Ijen Geopark located in Bondowongso,
which was collected using a cellphone by capturing a photograph of its content in the
board. The study employs a qualitative descriptive approach to collect and analyze
data from the board content. Newmark's theory (1988) on faithful translation serves
as the framework for analyzing the gathered data. This approach prioritizes
maintaining the accuracy of the content, style, tone, and cultural nuances of the
source text. While allowing for some linguistic adjustments to ensure readability and
natural flow in the target language. The analysis revealed that the content in the
information board with a total of 82 data collected was using faithful translation
techniques when translating from the target language to the source language in this
particular information board which still captured the essence and integrity of the
original work without altering its fundamental message or context.

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How to Cite
Michelle Jacqueline Doloksaribu, & Ni Made Diana Erfiani. (2024). FAITHFUL TRANSLATION ON IJEN GEOPARK INFORMATION BOARD FROM ENGLISH INTO INDONESIAN: A TRANSLATION STUDY. Seminar Ilmiah Nasional Teknologi, Sains, Dan Sosial Humaniora (SINTESA), 6. Retrieved from


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