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Jembrana is a district at the Province of Bali that has serious attention to maternal health through the program of Jembrana Health Insurance (JHI). This scheme covers health service for mothers that comprises normal delivery, antenatal care and family planning. The service that had increasing claims every year is normal delivery service. Limited budget demands efficiency of resources, thus it is necessary to study unit cost, identify the cost needed particularly normal delivery service. The study used a case study design. Analysis unit are private practising midwives and health centers. Selection criteria of private practising midwives is based on the utilization of normal delivery and health centers based on category of health center, i.e. inpatient/primary health center. Result of study is differing activities in normal delivery affected the amount of cost that had to be paid. Difference in the use of drugs, usable medical materials and medical devices at the health center was Rp 143,868, at private practising midwives was Rp 147,136 whereas based on the standard of normal delivery was Rp 136,983. Conclusion of the study difference seccured due to resources that comprised the managing personnel, drugs, usable medical materials, accomodation and overhead. The amount of unit cost at health center was Rp 160,884 and at private practising midwives was Rp 196,384 whereas the tariff proposed was Rp 500,000. Calculation of unit cost using ABC method was bergaining power of JHI Management Council to avoid asymetric information to get fair tariff.
Keywords: normal delivery service
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